Seeed ReButton is a developer device for simple trigger actions, supporting multiple clicks and long press. We are providing sample firmware that triggers Azure IoT Central or Azure IoT Hub. Both firmware and hardware are opensource, you can develop your own IoT button with Arduino IDE.


The powersource of ReButton is 2x AAA Alkarine battery, and it usually supports > 500x press. Seeed ReButton also have 1x I2C Grove connector (3.3V I/O), so you can add your favorite data point with easy Arduino IDE programming.  


To flash firmwares, you need debug adapter such as Segger’s J-LINK or CMSIS-DAP, and TC2030-CTX 6-Pin Cable or solder directly to the PADs.


For the Resouces and Documents, please check the DOCUMENTS Tab.


HSCODE 8531809000
USHSCODE 8531809051



Seeed ReButton is a developer device for simple trigger actions, supporting multiple clicks and long press.

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Seeed ReButton is a developer device for simple trigger actions, supporting multiple clicks and long press.

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Seeed ReButton is a developer device for simple trigger actions, supporting multiple clicks and long press. We are providing sample firmware that triggers Azure IoT Central or Azure IoT Hub. Both firmware and hardware are opensource, you can develop your own IoT button with Arduino IDE.


The powersource of ReButton is 2x AAA Alkarine battery, and it usually supports > 500x press. Seeed ReButton also have 1x I2C Grove connector (3.3V I/O), so you can add your favorite data point with easy Arduino IDE programming.  


To flash firmwares, you need debug adapter such as Segger’s J-LINK or CMSIS-DAP, and TC2030-CTX 6-Pin Cable or solder directly to the PADs.


For the Resouces and Documents, please check the DOCUMENTS Tab.


HSCODE 8531809000
USHSCODE 8531809051